Meet our Best Lifestyle Blog winner!

6th December 2017suzy Share:FacebookTwitterShare


The recent winner of Rex London's Best Lifestyle Blog Award was Ashley Cramp of Lazy Daisy Jones!

Her blog is a delicious mix of interior inspiration, clever craft tutorials and fashion and beauty tips for women in their prime. If you’re looking for a beautiful, inspirational blog, this is it.


For anyone who doesn’t know Lazy Daisy Jones very well, we thought we’d ask Ashley a few (pretty probing) questions about blogging, style and creativity. Here’s what she told us...

Ashley, how would you describe yourself in 3 words?
Colourful, fun and a perfectionist!

You blog on lots of topics. How did you first get started?
I started blogging about my love of sewing because I work part time as a wardrobe mistress, making costumes. My proudest sewing moment was when Simplicity patterns asked me to design a pattern for them. Life evolves, and today I blog about all aspects of my life.

Where do you look for inspiration and ideas?
Life is my biggest inspiration (I know it’s a cliché but it’s true!). The things people do or say, the colours of the sky, a walk in the woods – inspiration is everywhere.


You don’t post images of your family and keep this part of your life private. Why?
I do this out of respect for my family. It’s their life story and not mine to publish for the entertainment of others. My 16-year-old son wishes he was born in the time when social media wasn't around and he is so pleased I didn't blog about his early childhood life. It’s not difficult as I have plenty to inspire me from my own life!

Social media wasn’t around in your teens and twenties. Would it have improved your life, or made it harder?
This is a question my friends of the same age and I constantly discuss. I don’t have an answer. I think it’s the way you use social media that is important.

You always have your finger on the pulse - what interior trends do you predict will be popular in 2018?
Thank you! I think nature and all things plant life, or botanical will still be very strong for 2018, as well as the 'tribal look'; i.e. natural textures, colours etc.

What’s your favourite thing about Christmas?
I love the calmness of Christmas Eve. It is a magical time of the year.


If you could have any gift under the tree this year, what would it be?
I know they say a dog is not just for Christmas, but this year our new shih-tzu puppy will be born around Christmas time! Although we won’t have it at home until the new year, it really will be the best family present for us all, including our 5-year-old shih-tzu dog!

If you could put any gift under the tree, what would it be?
Happiness for my nearest and dearest.

Ashley spent her dotcomgiftshop voucher prize on four stylish drinking glasses and incense sticks to brighten up dark winter days. She also bagged some quirky treats for her husband and son. Take a look at Ashley’s stylish choices on her blog.

If, like Ashley, you’re looking for Xmas gifts for the boys in your life, look no further than dotcomgiftshop. Here’s just a selection of our Christmas gifts for him:


Left to right: Periodic Table Bamboo Travel Mug - £9.95, Modern Man Miniature Tool Kit - £12.95


Left to right: Departure Lounge Shaving Stand Set - £16.95, World Map Hip Flask - £8.95

Why not get to know more about our dotcomgiftshop Blog Award winners? Check out our interview with Jenny, our Family Craft Blog Winner, from The Gingerbread House.
