4 bloggers on the joy of giving

16th October 2020Marie Alcober Share:FacebookTwitterShare

While spontaneous gifts are great fun to get, research says we actually find it more rewarding to be the giver of 'just because' gifts than simply being a recipient. You may have seen our #GiftsofRandomKindness Instagram takeovers where we asked bloggers to surprise loved ones with a sweet little present, just because. Below they share their thoughts on the joy of giving. Have a read!

Georgia Coote

“I think I love giving people spontaneous gifts because it’s a small way in which to show people that you care about them — even the smallest of gifts can make people feel special and loved. 
I like getting really specific things for people that they may have mentioned that they like, for example if I find a mug in the exact shade of blue that I know they like, or getting a spoon with their favourite animal on it — it’s these little details that mean that people will know how much they mean to you. 
It’s so nice that gifting like this doesn’t need to be for a special occasion, you never know when someone might need a little pick-me-up.”

Cécile Blaireau of The Frenchie Mummy

“I love seeing people's reactions when I give them something. It doesn't need to be anything expensive or even materialistic. It is so easy to show someone you love them and care for them. 

We live in a quite self-centred world and I am lucky to have a lot myself. Thanks to my job, I am spoiled with many surprises. So it feels good to share with others and spoil them too if they are here for you.

I just loved the reaction of Baba when he got the umbrella. He was so happy with it! He was very eager to take it to school the day after and show off how to use it to his peers.”

Hannah Moyse of The Girls and Jax

“For me spontaneous giving is the best kind of giving. I love seeing the reaction on someone's face when you say 'I've got you a gift'. 

When it comes to each of my children, they are all so different personality-wise so I find it so fun trying to find the right gift for each of them and then seeing the excitement on their faces while they open them. 

Children love opening anything I've found, so it could be the smallest of gifts but they'd still be just as excited!”

Riley Owen

“Being able to give, even if it’s just a small sentimental gesture through a small meaningful gift not only fills me, but also the person on the receiving end, with joy. 

In these trying times I find that it’s most important to make ourselves and others feel loved, comforted and happy. A little pick-me-up is what some of us need.

Bringing a smile to someone’s face — whether it’s through words or a random gift — can have a lasting effect that can change a person’s day or mood, from dull to uplifted. That’s what’s most important, not the materialistic side of gift giving but the personalisation of giving someone something that feels so personal and catered to them to make them smile.”


If you missed our #GiftsofRandomKindness surprises, you can still watch them in the ‘Joy of Giving’ highlights on our Instagram @RexLondonUK. And if you’re looking for inspiration for spontaneous gifts, check out our picks for top gifts for every non-occasion.
