Sunny summer picks from the Rex London Sale

17th July 2020 Share:FacebookTwitterShare

By Georgia Coote 

It’s no secret amongst everyone I know how much I adore the Rex London sales - you can get so many gorgeous goodies for a fraction of their usual price, what’s not to love?! With over 200 items and all of them being under £10, I usually stock up on gifts and useful household items which I know we’ll use and love. Here are my sunny summer picks from the current sale.      

Relief for bruises and bumps

ice cream cold pack

Product shown: Ice Cream Friends hot/cold pack, was £3.95, now £1.00

My youngest daughter has been gaining confidence with her new ‘big girl’ bike and oh those poor little bashed about knees! These hot/cold packs are just the thing to grab from the fridge for instant relief. The cute little ice cream always makes her smile too.

Keeping clean and tidy

Vintage apple kitchen cleaning cloths

Products shown: 
Miko the Panda hot chocolate spoon, was £3.95, now £1.00 
Vintage Apple kitchen cloths (set of 4), was £2.95, now £1.00 

I always stock up on these colourful cleaning cloths in the sale as they honestly make cleaning so much more enjoyable! Once used, I pop them in the wash and reuse. I’m currently trying to teach my girls how to make the perfect cup of tea, they tend to be a bit heavy handed on the milk so we have a few more spillages to mop up right now!

DIY nail bar

DIY nail bar

Product shown: Mid Century Poppy nail care kit, was £3.95, now £0.50

With nail bars still closed here in the UK, I’ve been enjoying taking care of my own nails and rainbow painting has become my design of choice! These nail kits are just 50p and are perfect for a little preen and pamper session.

Snacky dinners     

Monsters of the World tray

Products shown:
Monsters of the World melamine tray, was £8.95, now £2.95
Bruno the Bear hot chocolate spoon, was £3.95, now £1.00 

As many parents will attest, we’ll do anything to make sure food gets eaten and finding cute plates definitely helps! Something to do with the little divided sections can make even the most banal dinner choices all the more exciting. My kids are currently loving ‘sandwich sushi’ where I flatten their bread with a rolling pin, then top it, roll and slice.

Belly basket storage

Pink pom pom belly basket

Product shown: Pink pom pom belly basket, was £25.00, now £8.95

Belly baskets are such a versatile piece of storage to have in your home. They can house soft toys, blankets, books and all manner of things. I love the fun pom poms on this one and how you can easily move things from room to room with it. Mine currently cradles my yarn stash meaning I can grab the basket and take it to a quiet spot to relax.


Washit tape stationery

Discover washi tapes in various designs

I’m such a big washi tape fan and despite my huge collection I couldn’t resist this one in the lovely Astrid design for only 50p. I use it so often for crafting and love it for making really quick cards and wrap with the kids.

Keeping tiny hands busy

Sea Creature Excavation Kit

Product shown: Sea Creature excavation kit, was £6.95, now £1.95

If you’re needing a few minutes peace then these excavation sets are just the ticket! The look of concentration on those little faces as hands scrape and dig to find the hidden creature is just priceless too. Perfect to do outside in the sunshine and a fab gift to stash away ready for the next birthday celebration.

Daily walks

Tropical Palm water bottle

Product shown: Tropical Palm water bottle, was £8.95, now £2.95

The pink palms design on this water bottle makes me feel like we’re in a tropical setting even if the good old English weather doesn’t. It's the perfect size to take on my daily walks and the bright colours cheer up my kitchen no end.

Thinking ahead

Modern Man birthday card

Products shown:
Secret Agent moustache disguise, was £1.95, now £0.50
Modern Man birthday card, was £1.75, now £0.50

I always like to stock up on Birthday cards from Rex London, and this Modern Man one is perfect for the modern men I know. I like to think that one of the skills I have picked up from 8 years of motherhood is being able to summon up a fancy dress at a moment's notice - those world book days/school play costume requirement letters always come around so quickly! Having this Moustache disguise in my dressing up stash will make it all the easier when I have a sudden need for a Mr Twit, Sherlock Holmes or any manner of hairy characters! 

Explore the full Summer Sale, and save on more than 200 items. Love what you’ve bought? Share your bargains with us by tagging @rexlondonuk and using the hashtag #RexLondonSale!
